
Siemens mMR ACR data

This data is based on the ACR phantom acquisition available on DOI See information there for more details.

Processing steps are available on SIRF_data_preparation/Siemens_mMR_ACR/

Data provided

While the whole acquisition is 1800s, the histogrammed acquisition data is for the first 200s. Mu-map processing (including hardware-mumaps) was done by Pawel Markiewicz (LondonSouthbank University).

VOI description

VOIs were derived from the original VOIs supplied on the Zenodo. Certain VOIs were selected by Kris Thielemans for evaluation as part by PETRIC. Details are in SIRF_data_preparation/Siemens_mMR_ACR/

VOI_whole: whole phantom

Encompasses the whole phantom by thresholding.

VOI_background: background

A VOI in the "uniform" part of the phantom.


A VOI slightly larger than one of the hot cylinders in the phantom.


A VOI slightly larger than one of the cold cylinders in the phantom.


A VOI of a few slices in the part with the (cold) rods in the phantom.